The Editor
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 1:07 PM, <> wrote:
Dear Mr Tempest,
I have recently read your blog for the first time. With relation to your blog of 26th August about me, I would kindly ask you to review some comments that you have made about me and question them. I was happy to give you honest answers and expected you to write an honest report; this has not been the case.
(1)So Patrick Collins LIED when he said he never had any dealings with Novocastria
At no point did I lie to you throughout any of the questions you asked me. I would not clarify handing over a property for management to another agency as having dealings with them as in your example of 2 Dronfield Road. In your own words;
[The Editor]: The handing off of C&B owned properties that had a steady revenue stream all the way through to July 2012 to Novocastria Lettings constitutes dealings - it required interactions between you and Novocastria Lettings to make it happen If it didn't, then how on earth were the management company switches effected?
According to the IFS blog entry http://collins-bone-investors. max=2012-05-08T14:05:00%2B01: 00&max-results=10&start=10&by- date=false, the account of Dom Smith's daughters rental of 2 Dronfield Rd., Salford clearly states that your involvement with this property was up until end November, not October 2011 as you have alluded to below. Please clarify.
Moreover, Dom Smith's daughters are, as far as I am aware, still awaiting their rental deposits back, which runs counter to you statement to me that "There are no deposits owed to any Collins and Bone tenants who rented through Patrick Properties". Please provide your comments to Dom Smith's account, and what happened to his daughters' deposits.
According to the IFS blog entry http://collins-bone-investors.
Moreover, Dom Smith's daughters are, as far as I am aware, still awaiting their rental deposits back, which runs counter to you statement to me that "There are no deposits owed to any Collins and Bone tenants who rented through Patrick Properties". Please provide your comments to Dom Smith's account, and what happened to his daughters' deposits.
'Tenancy Agreement for 41 Albert Road; Moreover, within 24 hours of me bringing this to his attention, Internet searches for the above four mentioned rental agreements no longer showed up, which is clearly not a coincidence and perhaps an indicator that Patrick Collins has something to hide'
As I stated this was an honest mistake as throughout this month there were over 300 different tenants moving in to properties and the staff were under a huge amount of pressure. I have had no dealings with the properties not showing up, nor do I know who has had dealings with this. I would kindly you asking you not to accuse me of having something to hide, as when you asked me the questions, I clearly answered them to you.
[The Editor]: When rental agreements have readily appeared on Internet searches over a period of many, many months (we're talking at least the past 6 months), and within 24 hrs of you being sent the link to one of them the searches disappear, that is no coincidence. I'll leave others to draw their own conclusions. I'm sorry if you don't like the conclusion I drew.
(2) who was collecting the rental monies from these properties if not him, he simply stated:
" I can not advise who has been managing the property since then."
That, quite frankly, just will not do!
As I was no longer managing the properties from October 2011 onwards, I had no idea who was dealing with the rents. it is not a case of not remembering, as you have quoted, but more of a case of not dealing with this properties anymore and so not having a role in the management of them.
[The Editor]: Are you seriously telling me that you did not know that Novocastria Lettings took over management of, say, 2 Dronfield Rd. in November 2011 from Patrick Properties Management Ltd.?
(3) It strikes me as rather suspicious that after managing C&B properties for nearly 9 months, Patrick Collins formed a limited company only to stop business one year later with debts - one could be forgiven for thinking that the sole motive for forming Patrick Properties Management Ltd was to bury debt
The company was trading for over a year before it became a limited company. As the company grew I was advised that it would make sense to become a limited company. The company grew on the premises that we were very good at managing Properties, and the downfall of the company began when becoming involved with Collins Bone Properties etc. At no stage was the company created to 'bury debt'.
[The Editor]: In previous e-mail exchanges with you you indicated that your involvement with C&B properties was for a 1 year period spanning December 2009 through to December 2010. Given that your Ltd company was formed in September 2010, please explain the above statement because the timelines simply don't marry-up.
I would kindly ask you to edit these details, or ask further questions instead of write incorrect details that could be classed as slander.
[The Editor]: I had asked you a number of questions, but you declined to answer them on the basis that this would require time & effort on your part to delve into your records, something that you would require payment for, and which I am most certainly not prepared to do. If you are now prepared to answer these additional questions, then all well and good. The following questions are outstanding:
- You made the statement that your involvement with C&B owned properties terminated circa December 2010. So why are there rental agreements arranged by you for C&B owned properties in June/July 2011?
- When the management of 2 Dronfield Rd. was handed over by you to Novocastria Lettings ala Dom Smith's account, who were your discussions with at Novocastria, and into what bank account were the rental deposits transferred? You have made the statement to me previously that "There are no deposits owed to any Collins and Bone tenants who rented through Patrick Properties", so these deposits had to have been transferred.
- Since the posting of my blog article on you, a number of landlords who previously had their properties managed by you have been in touch claiming that they are either owed rent by you, and/or have otherwise not had rental deposits paid back to tenants. You had made a previous statement to me that no rental deposits are owed to Collins and Bone tenants. Is this also true for all other landlords? I'll be happy to put you in touch with these landlord(s) assuming that they agree to my doing so.
- I have supplied you previously with a list of C&B owned properties, and asked you to comment on which of these properties you managed, and when. You replied:
"All of those properties were managed by me at some stage but i'm not sure what dates they were handed over as it was constantly changing."
Why was the management company for any given C&B owned property constantly being changed, and who was orchestrating these changes, and for what reasons? David Bone Jnr? Liam Collins?
Kind Regards
Patrick Collins