The latest spreadsheet from Liam Collins still contains no rental or mortgage interest rate/terms & conditions information, and of the 27 properties listed:
So basically we're now down to 24 assets from which, over an IVA term, it is proposed that (~4m GBP debt + average ~448k GBP of negative equity) be paid off 100p in the GBP. Or, put another way, each property needs to generate ~37k GBP each and every year for 5 years via- 3 of these were not on the "C&B assets - negative equity" property spreadsheet, and have as the beneficiary Iqbal Singh (a former business partner of Liam's).
- 4 that were on the "C&B assets - negative equity" property spreadsheet are no longer there (2 abbeycroft close, 24 carnarvon, 56 beckford court, 30 peacock avenue). The first three of these 4 had positive equity, so what happened to them?

- after-tax, after-mortgage payment & after-maintenance rent monies
- increases in underlying asset value.
If you compare the mortgages in this new property spreadsheet with the "C&B assets - negative equity" property spreadsheet, you will see that some of the outstanding mortgages on the properties have declined by 1/2k - 1k GBP, but the mortgage on 25 Shelton Street has increased 6k GBP, so the total outstanding mortgage balance across the properties has remained pretty much the same.
The Editor
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